Possible runtime overhead of wrapping the IO monad?
Chris Kuklewicz
haskell at list.mightyreason.com
Mon Mar 27 14:45:58 EST 2006
Brian Hulley wrote:
> Hi,
> I'm designing an API for a simple graphics window, and am trying to make
> the correct usage of the API functions explicit and visible to the type
> system by using different monads which ultimately just wrap the IO
> monad. For example, in a callback for rendering stuff to the screen,
> only operations in the RenderM monad are allowed, and when specifying
> vertex info for a primitive, only VertexM operations are allowed.
> However I'm wondering if I can rely on all this monad stuff being
> optimized out at compile time. A sample monad is below:
> newtype VertexM a = VertexM (IO a)
> instance Monad VertexM where
> VertexM x >>= fry = VertexM $ do
> ax <- x
> let VertexM y = fry ax
> y
> return x = VertexM $ return x
> instance MonadIO VertexM where
> liftIO = VertexM
There should be no overhead for a newtype. The above can be shortened to one line:
newtype VertexM a = VertexM (IO a) deriving (Functor,Monad,MonadIO)
(Needs ghc -fglasgow-exts, I expect)
> Also, in:
> foreign import ccall duma_vertex3f :: Float -> Float -> Float -> IO ()
> vertex3f :: Float -> Float -> Float -> VertexM ()
> vertex3f x y z = liftIO $ duma_vertex3f x y z
> is there a penalty involved in calling vertex3f (from another module) or
> will the worker/wrapper optimization ensure that machine code in the
> other module just calls duma_vertex3f directly since the liftIO
> operation is just an irrelevance at the machine code level?
I doubt there is a penalty.
> So far I've just been using ghc --make and not bothering about what kind
> of code is generated. Is there a flag I can use to get ghc to output the
> stg code (or something higher level than just x86 machine code itself)
> so I can look at the output to see what optimizations are being done?
> Thanks, Brian.
Yes, there are several ghc options:
-ddump-<insert keyword> is documented in
In particular -ddump-simpl has been helpful for some people, and you want
-ddump-stg, perhaps.
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