6.4.1 Bug? getServiceEntry: does not exist (no such service entry)

S. Alexander Jacobson alex at alexjacobson.com
Thu Mar 23 11:54:13 EST 2006

Is there a 6.4.2 binary for winXP?  I assuming doing a build from 
source is non-trivial.


On Thu, 23 Mar 2006, Simon Marlow wrote:

> S. Alexander Jacobson wrote:
>> I just upgraded to 6.4.1 from 6.4.0 and am now getting this error when I 
>> run socket code via ghci, but not when I compile the code using ghc. Any 
>> idea what this is or how to fix?
>>   getServiceEntry: does not exist (no such service entry)
> This was reported a while back, and I still have it on my queue to 
> investigate:
> http://www.haskell.org//pipermail/haskell-cafe/2005-October/011777.html
> However, I just checked and it doesn't happen with a recent 6.4.2 snapshot, 
> so I'm going to consider it fixed (probably another weird mingw version 
> interaction, or something).
> Grab a 6.4.2 snapshot and you should be happy.
> Cheers,
> 	Simon

S. Alexander Jacobson tel:917-770-6565 http://alexjacobson.com

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