GHC 6.4.1 and Win32 DLLs: Bug in shutdownHaskell?

Michael Marte marte at
Fri Mar 3 08:50:19 EST 2006


do you imply that you have fixed the problem causing the crashes?
May I safely assume that DLLs produced by ghc 6.4.2 will not crash upon 
being freed?

I played around a little bit more and found two configurations that do 
not crash, at least not when freeing the DLL in the course of quitting 
the application:
- compilation with -O, execution with standard heap size
- compilation with -O, execution with -M128m.
With 64m initial heap space, the problems described earlier occur again :-(

Lennart Augustsson wrote:

> The memory allocated by the runtime system is never freed.
> I've submitted a fix fir this.
>     -- Lennart

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