Solaris x86 package

Christian Maeder maeder at
Wed Jun 14 05:32:52 EDT 2006

Georg Sauthoff schrieb:
> After a break I built the project again - and it failed (everytime
> segfaults).
> Thus I guess that I have problems with the threaded rts (which are more
> difficult too reproduce, than the previous ones).
> Ah, and ghci segfaults every time - I didn't test ghci before.

This sounds similar to my problems on sparcs. (I had non-deterministic

> BTW, what are the disadvantages of a non-threaded rts?

I think, threaded/parallel programs can then run under ghci, but Simon
(or others) may know better.

> The only 'real' problem is (Solaris 8 has - I
> guess.

our ghc-6.4.1 under solaris uses, too. (So it should not be a

> Yes, I will try it after I finished the Solaris x86 stuff. At the
> solaris/sparc mashines, there is a ghc 6.2 available - but I get
> 'gcc notes' like described in this mail:

I think also ghc-6.2.2 was a good version under solaris using and gcc-2.95.x!

Cheers Christian

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