recursive import
Brian Hulley
brianh at
Sat Jun 3 05:38:11 EDT 2006
Serge D. Mechveliani wrote:
> People,
> Who knows, please, how usable are currently recursive module imports
> in Haskell, in GHC ?
> Is it essentially more difficult to `make' and support a project
> which has 50 modules, and half of all the module pairs import each
> other?
> Is recursive import in Haskell-98 ?
Newtype deriving doesn't work for recursive module imports, so I ended up
just merging the two mutually recursive modules in my program into one
The example was something like:
module Control where
import {-# SOURCE #-} Manager
data Control ...
-- functions using ManagerM
module Manager where
import Control
data MState = MState{keyboard:: !(Maybe Control)}
newtype ManagerM a = ManagerM (StateT MState IO a)
deriving (Monad, MonadIO,MonadState)
module Manager where {- hs.boot -}
data MState
-- newtype decl gives a compiler error (I can't remember what it was)
newtype ManagerM a = ManagerM (StateT MState IO a)
deriving (Monad, MonadIO,MonadState)
So from the above experience I'd recommend not to use recursive modules at
Regards, Brian.
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