Lookup module and package defining <<x>?
Malcolm Wallace
Malcolm.Wallace at cs.york.ac.uk
Fri Jul 21 07:33:26 EDT 2006
Marc Weber <marco-oweber at gmx.de> wrote:
> My purpose: After having found the a function I want to use it without
> having to search where does it belong to and where does it come from.
> I want it beeing as up to date as the installed libraries.
You can download Hoogle as a command-line tool, and give it your
complete installed libraries to index. Then it will be accurate for
your own setup. Of course, you would need to manually update it every
time you install a new library.
> That's why I thought it might be best to integrate it into ghc?
This kind of tool, though useful, has almost nothing in common with the
compiler. Although I suppose it would be useful if Hoogle could read
the ghc-pkg file format when indexing all locally-available modules.
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