package lang
Doaitse Swierstra
doaitse at
Fri Jul 7 14:24:38 EDT 2006
I had to witch rather urgently to a new machine (an Intel based Mac
OS X), on which I need to get lhs2TeX running.
I have installed the ghc version from the page:
but when i try to compile lhs2TeX I get the following error message:
/usr/local/bin/ghc -O -package lang --make -o lhs2TeX Main.lhs
TeXCommands.lhs TeXParser.lhs Typewriter.lhs Math.lhs MathPoly.lhs
MathCommon.lhs NewCode.lhs Directives.lhs HsLexer.lhs
FileNameUtils.lhs Parser.lhs FiniteMap.lhs Auxiliaries.lhs StateT.lhs
Document.lhs Verbatim.lhs Value.lhs Version.lhs
ghc-6.5.20060608: unknown package: lang
which refers to a package called "lang".
I looked in the list of packages at:
which does not mention a package by that name. Also at
this package seems to be unknown.
The list of packages that apparently was installed with the compiler
ALUT-2.0, Cabal-1.1.4, GLUT-2.0, HGL-3.1, HUnit-1.1, OpenGL-2.1,
QuickCheck-1.0, X11-1.1, base-1.0, fgl-5.2, (ghc-6.5.20060608),
haskell-src-1.0, haskell98-1.0, mtl-1.0, network-1.0, parsec-2.0,
readline-1.0, rts-1.0, stm-1.0, template-haskell-1.0, time-0.3.1,
So my questions are:
- what did I do wrong (I apologize for not being an able installer)
- where can I find a package by the name "lang"
- what is the next step to take
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