GHC vs. GCC on raw vector addition

Simon Marlow simonmarhaskell at
Wed Jan 18 09:31:25 EST 2006

Bulat Ziganshin wrote:

> Wednesday, January 18, 2006, 3:33:40 PM, you wrote:
> SMH> and gets a runtime for the GHC-compiled binary that's about 10x as long
> SMH> as for GCC. Simon M. tells me this should be much better. Here are the
> attached version is only 5 times slower :)  please note that
> 1) unsafeRead/Write indexes from 0 and don't checks bounds (just C-like :)
> 2) generating random values takes about 1.5-2 seconds by itself.
> Haskell's RNG is very different from C's one

I squeezed a bit more out (see attached).  I think the main bottleneck 
is now the random number generator, in particular it is supplying boxed 
Doubles which have to be unboxed again before storing in the array.

-------------- next part --------------
import Data.Array.IO
import Data.Array.Base
import System.Environment (getArgs)
import System.Random

type Vector = IOUArray Int Double

main = do  (n:f:m:_) <- getArgs
           let  (nelems,niterations) = case f of
                    "elements"    -> (read n, read m)
                    "iterations"  -> (read m, read n)

           x <- newArray (0,nelems-1) 0 :: IO Vector
           v <- newArray_ (0,nelems-1) :: IO Vector

	   x `seq` v `seq` return ()

           for 0 nelems $ \i ->
             do  r <- randomRIO (-1,1)
                 unsafeWrite v i r

           for 0 niterations $ \_ ->
             for 0 nelems $ \i ->
               do  xi <- unsafeRead x i
                   vi <- unsafeRead v i
                   unsafeWrite x i (xi+vi)

           --for 0 nelems $ \i ->
           --  do  xi <- unsafeRead x i
           --      putStr (show xi)
           --      putChar ' '
           --putChar '\n'

for :: Int -> Int -> (Int -> IO a) -> IO ()
-- Faster equivalent of "mapM_ action []"
for from to action | from `seq` to `seq` False = undefined
for from to action  = go from
    go i | i>=to      = return ()
         | otherwise = do action i
                          go $! (i+1)

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