runghc -fglasgow-exts issues

Vyacheslav Akhmechet coffeemug at
Fri Dec 1 17:34:07 EST 2006

I need to pass -fglasgow-exts to runghc. It appears that if the first
flag to runghc is -f, it treats it as a path to GHC itself. So, I
cannot do the following:

> runghc -fglasgow-exts Test.hs

because runghc failes (it says it can't find glasgow-exts). However if
I do this:

> runghc -fc:/ghc/bin/ghc.exe -fglasgow-exts Test.hs

it works. Is this the expected behavior? I really don't want to pass
full path to GHC in order to simply specify -fglasgow-exts.  I could
fool runghc by doing this:

> runghc -v -fc:/ghc/bin/ghc.exe -fglasgow-exts Test.hs

and it'll work since the first argument isn't -f, but I really don't
want to do this (if I have to, what's a good argument that does

 - Slava.

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