Template Haskell crashes unexpectedly...
Brian Hulley
brianh at metamilk.com
Mon Aug 21 17:16:08 EDT 2006
Bulat Ziganshin wrote:
> as you can see, it don't supports reification, recovery and
> information about currently compiled module just because there is no
> such information when program runs. and of course, you can't add new
> fields or new functions at run-time. isntead typical technique is:
> $(transform [d| data D = X {f::Int, g::String} |] )
> where 'transform' parses declaration passed and generates something
> like this
> data D = X {unique::Int, f::Int, g::String}
Thanks - by coincidence I was also coming to this conclusion after reading
the tutorial because it avoids the nusiance of being left with unwanted
data/instance decls in the module (and the need to rename everything when
generating the extended data/instance decls to avoid conflicts with field
names etc).
The solution seems to be something like:
$(extend_data [d|
data D = X {f::Int, g::String}
$(extend_instance [d|
instance Obj D where
for some fairly trivial extend functions which will just add the AST for the
extra field and method to the AST of the data and instance respectively, and
by the idea in http://www.haskell.org/bz/th3.htm I can just use ghci to get
the extra syntax trees to copy and paste into my extend functions.
Still it's too late tonight to do any more programming so I'll have to leave
this for tomorrow... ! ;-)
Best regards, Brian.
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