Map.lookup in 6.4.1
Jens Fisseler
jens.fisseler at
Thu Aug 10 06:21:32 EDT 2006
Hi Serge,
> Prelude> Data.Map.singleton 'a' 'b'
> {'a':='b'}
> Prelude> Data.Map.lookup 'a' $ Data.Map.singleton 'a' 'b'
> Prelude>
> -------------------------------
> Must not it print Just 'b' instead of printing emptyness?
> Further:
> ----------
> Prelude> Data.Map.lookup 'b' $ Data.Map.singleton 'a' 'b'
> *** Exception: user error (Data.Map.lookup: Key not found)
> ----------
> Instead, must not it print Nothing ?
'Data.Map.lookup' has the return type 'm a', that is returns the value
within an arbitrary monad of type m, which need not even be a member of
the class 'Show'. You need to further specify the type of the monad.
'(Data.Map.lookup 'a' $ Data.Map.singleton 'a' 'b')::Maybe Char' does
what you expect.
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