Building GHC on OS X

Simon Peyton-Jones simonpj at
Wed Aug 9 03:23:12 EDT 2006

You have to build the libraries before you build stage2.  (the stage2
compiler relies on the libraries!)  Just sit in the root directory of
the tree (just above libraries/ and compiler/) and type 'make'.

The library error message was a compiler bug, fixed yesterday. It should
work now.


| -----Original Message-----
| From: glasgow-haskell-users-bounces at
| bounces at] On Behalf Of David Kirkman
| Sent: 09 August 2006 01:37
| To: glasgow-haskell-users at
| Subject: Building GHC on OS X
| Hi,
| I've been using ghc on Mac OS X for a while now, so when I noticed
| Simon Marlow's call (made last month, but I just noticed it) for
| to help with OS X, I thought, why not?
| Well, it turns out that I can't even build ghc, so I'm not likely to
| end up being much help.  But it would be nice to at least be able to
| build the thing, so if anybody can help me...
| I'm trying to build GHC (6.5.?? ... version from as
| of yesterday) on Mac OS X (10.4.7 ppc) bootstrapping from ghc 6.4.2
| and gcc 4.0.1.
| "./configure; make" does not work.  On my initial try, I ran into the
| UNDO_DELETE, etc problems associated with Darwin's partial readline
| support described in ticket #766.  The fix suggested in that ticket
| seems to work fine, but not until I installed the GNU readline
| (If the change to detect the broken Darwin readline is in the
| repository,
| it did not work for me).
| After fixing the readline problem, it looks like I can build at least
| part of the stage1 compiler -- but the build fails just after starting
| to build stage2.  The final error is:
|  > ../compiler/ghc-inplace -H32m -O0 -W -fno-warn-unused-matches -
| fwarn-unused-imports  -istage2/utils  -istage2/basicTypes  -istage2/
| types  -istage2/hsSyn  -istage2/prelude  -istage2/rename  -istage2/
| typecheck  -istage2/deSugar  -istage2/coreSyn  -istage2/specialise  -
| istage2/simplCore  -istage2/stranal  -istage2/stgSyn  -istage2/
| simplStg  -istage2/codeGen  -istage2/main  -istage2/profiling  -
| istage2/parser  -istage2/cprAnalysis  -istage2/ndpFlatten  -istage2/
| iface  -istage2/cmm  -istage2/nativeGen  -istage2/ghci -Istage2 -
| DGHCI -DBREAKPOINT -package template-haskell -threaded -cpp -fglasgow-
| exts -fno-generics -Rghc-timing -I. -IcodeGen -InativeGen -Iparser -
| package unix -package Cabal -ignore-package lang -recomp -Rghc-timing
| -DDEBUG  -H16M '-#include "hschooks.h"' -package-name  ghc-6.5   -
| fgenerics  -O  -c utils/FastString.lhs -o stage2/utils/FastString.o  -
| ohi stage2/utils/FastString.hi
|  >
|  > utils/FastString.lhs:73:0:
|  >     Failed to load interface for `GHC.Exts':
|  > 	Could not find module `GHC.Exts':
|  > 	  use -v to see a list of the files searched for
|  > <<ghc: 52487092 bytes, 5 GCs, 19236/19236 avg/max bytes residency
| (1 samples), 16M in use, 0.00 INIT (0.00 elapsed), 0.29 MUT (0.38
| elapsed), 0.03 GC (0.04 elapsed) :ghc>>
|  > make[2]: *** [stage2/utils/FastString.o] Error 1
|  > make[1]: *** [stage2] Error 2
|  > make: *** [bootstrap2] Error 2
| The first error that I can find comes when building ghc/libraries/
| base (in stage1)
|  > ../../compiler/ghc-inplace -H32m -O0 -W -fno-warn-unused-matches -
| fwarn-unused-imports -fglasgow-exts -cpp -Iinclude -"#include"
| HsBase.h -funbox-strict-fields -package-name  base-1.0 -O -dcore-lint
| -W -fno-warn-unused-matches -fwarn-unused-imports -keep-hc-files   -
| fgenerics    -c Data/Generics/Schemes.hs -o Data/Generics/Schemes.o  -
| ohi Data/Generics/Schemes.hi
|  > Data/Generics/Schemes.hs:108:15:
|  >     Couldn't match expected type `r' (a rigid variable)
|  > 	   against inferred type `[a]'
|  >      `r' is bound by the type signature for `listify'
|  > 	at Data/Generics/Schemes.hs:106:20
|  >       Expected type: r -> r -> r
|  >       Inferred type: [a] -> [a] -> [a]
|  >     In the first argument of `everything', namely `(++)'
|  >     In the call (everything (++)
|  >			    ([] `mkQ` (\ x -> if p x then [x] else [])))
|  > make[2]: *** [Data/Generics/Schemes.o] Error 1
| After that, there are a handful of errors complaining about things
| can't be found (e.g.)
|  > CPUTime.hs:5:0:
|  >    Failed to load interface for `System.CPUTime':
|  >	Could not find module `System.CPUTime':
|  >	  use -v to see a list of the files searched for
|  > make[2]: *** [CPUTime.o] Error 1
| and
|  > Language/Haskell/TH/Syntax.hs:46:0:
|  >    Failed to load interface for `Data.PackedString':
|  >	Could not find module `Data.PackedString':
|  >	  use -v to see a list of the files searched for
|  > make[2]: *** [Language/Haskell/TH/Syntax.o] Error 1
| There are six or seven more messages like those, but nothing severe
| enough to
| stop make until the problem where it can not find 'GHC.Exts'.
| I tried to brute force it with 'make -k', which went a lot further,
| but in the end build nothing useful.
| Anybody have any ideas?  Or build instructions for OS X?
| Thanks,
| -david k.
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