Dynamic Programming with Memoizing

Lajos Nagy lnagy at fit.edu
Thu Apr 27 18:57:38 EDT 2006

Well, I got stuck.  I wanted to use dynamic programming to compute the 
value `p 100':


module Main where

import Data.Ratio
import Data.Ix

n = 100

q :: (Integer, Integer) -> Rational
q (i,k) | i == 1 && k == 2 = 1
q (i,k) = (map q' (range dom)) !! (dom `index` (i,k))
   where dom = ((1,1),(n,n))
         q' (i,k) = (p i * ((n + 1 - k) % 1)) / ((n + 1 - i) % 1)

p :: Integer -> Rational
p k | k == 1 = 1
p k = map p' [1 .. n] !! ((1,n) `index` k)
   where p' k = sum (map f [1 .. (k - 1)])
           where f i = q (i,k) / ((n + 1 - i) % 1)


I used the lazy list pattern for memoizing previous values of `p' and `q' 
as I saw it elsewhere.  Both `p k' and `q (i,k)' depend only on values of 
`p x' and `q (y,x)' where `x < k' and `y < k'.  Nevertheless, it takes 
forever to compute even `p 20'.  What's wrong?  (I even tried using a 
strict container along the lines of `N !Rational' for storing the results 
of `p' and `q'.  It didn't help.)

The program seems to work correctly for small values of `k', by the way.

I used Rational because I needed the _exact_ result.

Thanks and Regards,

-- Lajos Nagy
Computer Science Ph.D. Student,  Florida Institute of Technology

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