trouble bootstrapping ghc head

Simon Marlow simonmarhaskell at
Tue Apr 18 08:00:24 EDT 2006

David Roundy wrote:

> I'm getting the following error when bootstrapping the ghc head darcs
> repository:
> /usr/bin/ghc -H16m -O  -istage1/utils  -istage1/basicTypes  -istage1/types
> -istage1/hsSyn  -istage1/prelude  -istage1/rename  -istage1/typecheck
> -istage1/deSugar  -istage1/coreSyn  -istage1/specialise  -istage1/simplCore
> -istage1/stranal  -istage1/stgSyn  -istage1/simplStg  -istage1/codeGen
> -istage1/main  -istage1/profiling  -istage1/parser  -istage1/cprAnalysis
> -istage1/ndpFlatten  -istage1/iface  -istage1/cmm  -istage1/nativeGen
> -Istage1 -cpp -fglasgow-exts -fno-generics -Rghc-timing -I. -IcodeGen
> -InativeGen -Iparser -package unix -ignore-package lang -recomp
> -Rghc-timing  -H16M '-#include "hschooks.h"' -i../compat -ignore-package
> Cabal    -c ../compat/Distribution/Version.hs -o
> stage1/../compat/Distribution/Version.o  -ohi
> stage1/../compat/Distribution/Version.hi
> ghc-6.4: error: directory portion of
> "stage1/../compat/Distribution/Version.o" does not exist (used with "-o"
> option.)
> <<ghc: 14201992 bytes, 3 GCs, 92408/92408 avg/max bytes residency (1
> samples), 15M in use, 0.00 INIT (0.00 elapsed), 0.08 MUT (0.15 elapsed),
> 0.04 GC (0.04 elapsed) :ghc>>
> make[1]: *** [stage1/../compat/Distribution/Version.o] Error 1
> make: *** [stage1] Error 1
> I suspect this is related to the recent directory reorganization, but can't
> see whether it's something that I'm doing wrong or a makefile bug.

The only thing I see slightly unusual is that you're using ghc 6.4 (we 
use either 6.4.1 or 5.04.3 with our nightly builds here).  If you have 
6.4.1, does it work with that?

Could you capture a complete build log?


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