GHC 6.5 error? Illegal polymorphic or qualified type

Rene de Visser rene_de_visser at
Sun Apr 16 04:30:48 EDT 2006


I tried to compile HAppS using the latest GHC snapshot (in compiles fine 
with 6.41).

I for example get the error

    Illegal polymorphic or qualified type: forall state event.
					   Ev state event (ref t)
    In the type signature for `newEmptyRef':
      newEmptyRef :: (Monoid t, Ref ref) => AnyEv (ref t)

Note that AnyEv is defined as

type AnyEv a = forall state event. Ev state event a

This should be OK shouldn't it? At least in works in 6.41 and everythis is 

Exactly what does the error message Illegal polymorphic or qualified type 


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