Optimization & Destructive Updates
Lajos Nagy
lnagy at fit.edu
Fri Apr 14 12:25:51 EDT 2006
I was just musing the other day about the possibility of allowing
(efficient and transparent) destructive updates in certain situations.
Take the following (giberish) example:
f xs = g xs []
where g [] ac = ac
g (x1:x2:xs) ac = g xs (ac ++ [x2,x1])
It seems to me that the list concatenation in the tail recursion call can
be safely performed destructively. Does anybody know about any research
going on in this area? (Mind you: no linear types, no monads, only
`under the hood' compiler optimization.)
I'm aware of the fact that this would imply another kind of overloading
(destructive vs. non-destructive) for functions which also seems an
interesting research area.
-- Lajos Nagy
Computer Science Ph.D. Student, Florida Institute of Technology
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