explicit signatures and default for integer literals
Seth Kurtzberg
seth at cql.com
Tue May 31 02:51:39 EDT 2005
Dinko Tenev wrote:
>On 5/31/05, Daniel Fischer <daniel.is.fischer at web.de> wrote:
>>>>Why is ghc unable the determine the type of the Literal 0 in the
>>>>definition of g?
>>>Answer: Since somewhere an instance e.g. New [(a,Double)] (Map a Int)
>>>could be defined, leading to problems when threating 0 as (0::Int).
>There could be such an instance, but that's obviously not the case.
>At the point where g is defined, GHC only knows about New [(a,b)] (Map
>a b), and New [(a,Double)] (Map a Int) doesn't fit.
>Consider this:
>*Main> :type new . flip zip [0..]
>new . flip zip [0..] :: (New [(a, b1)] b, Num b1, Enum b1) => [a] -> b
>Trying to infer
> New [(u, v)] w
>out of all that we know, i.e.
> New [(a,b)] (Map a b)
>should give us
> w === Map u v --->
> New [(u, v)] (Map u v)
>so finally
> v === Int --->
> New [(u, Int)] (Map u Int)
>to infer the context of g.
>Is there any good reason not to do this?
Because I'm not smart enough to understand it?
>D. Tenev
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