Error building ghc 6.4 under os x

Jeffrey Vaughan vaughan2 at
Thu May 5 02:03:25 EDT 2005

Thanks for the quick reply:)

Gregory Wright wrote:
> Or just download and install the darwinports system and type
>     sudo port install ghc

Unfortunately this isn't working for me.  It appears that port is 
attempting to download ghc-6.4-darwin-bootstrap.tar.bz2 which does not 
exists. However this is a ghc-6.4-darwin-bootstrap-v01.tar.bz2.

I changed Portfile to reflect this, and the build died later in the 
process.  I'm currently waiting for xcode 1.5 to download, but i'm 
pretty sure the above is a bug.


> On May 4, 2005, at 9:03 PM, Jeffrey Vaughan wrote:
>> Hi All,
>> I'm trying to build ghc 6.4 on mac os x (10.3) using ghc 6.2.  The  
>> build dies with "/tmp/ghc18478.hc:3:17: Stg.h: No such file or  
>> directory".  An abridged session transcript is below.

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