Set, Map libraries
Serge D. Mechveliani
mechvel at
Wed Jun 1 10:20:35 EDT 2005
Dear GHC team,
I am looking into the .html docs on the libraries of Map and Set.
Here follow the questions and notices.
1. elems :: Set a -> [a]
setToList :: Set a -> [a]
These two look like synonyms, but have different comments.
Am I missing something?
2. size :: Set a -> Int -- O(1) ...
And for large sets, the user needs to program
genericSize :: Set a -> Integer
genericSize = genericLength . Data.Set.elems
Is this possible to make it O(1) too?
3. Data.Map has lookup and findWithDefault.
According to name correspondence, a natural name for the latter
would be lookupWithDefault
- ?
4. Data.Set.intersection.
In old library, it was `intersect' -- if I recall correct.
So, it is natural to include `intersect' to the `Obsolete' list.
5. Name resolution.
Ambiguous occurrence `null'
It could refer to either `Data.Set.null', imported from Data.Set at
or `GHC.List.null', imported from Prelude at ./Prelude0
Could the compiler detect where null applies to list
and where to Set ?
For this is visible from the types in the user program.
6. My module applies Data.Set.null (s :: Set a),
and null (xs :: [a]).
Why ghc reports of the clash with GHC.List.null ?
Is GHC.List same as old List library module?
Should I write
import GHC.List (genericLength, null)
instead of import List (genericLength)
With kind regards,
Serge Mechveliani
mechvel at
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