Contexts differ in length

Simon Peyton-Jones simonpj at
Fri Jul 22 06:13:31 EDT 2005

I revisited the typechecking of binding groups, partly to fix the
shortcomings of SPECIALISE pragmas.  On the way, I implemented the
refined dependency analysis described by Mark Jones in "Typing Haskell
in Haskell".  

As a result, this "Contexts differ in length" problem has gone away.

Robert, would you like to give it a try?  Your example below is now part
of GHC's test suite.

It'll be in the next major release, but not in 6.4.


| -----Original Message-----
| From: Robert van Herk [mailto:rherk at]
| Sent: 24 May 2005 13:31
| To: glasgow-haskell-users at; Simon Peyton-Jones
| Subject: Contexts differ in length
| Hi all,
| A while ago I sent an email to the glasgow haskell users maillinglist
| explain how the "Contexts differ in length" feature (or bug :-))
| restricted me in writing a haskell application. I was hoping for a
| reply, however I didn't receive one (yet).
| Therefore, I will explain the problem again:
| I am writing (for my master's thesis project) a webdevelopment
| in Haskell, with features somewhat comparable to Apple's WebObjects.
| Amongst others, session state and database interaction is transparent,
| In my framework, functions that generate HTML are called WFComponents.
| These functions are monadic since they can generate IO (because they
| do database interaction etc). Also, components can generate links to
| other components. However, since component a may generate a link to
| component b (so that when the user clicks that link component b will
| evaluated) and component b may link to component a, there will occur
| errors when I try to do this, since the contexts of component a and b
| may not be the same. A minimal example of this will be something like:
| {-# OPTIONS -fglasgow-exts #-}
| module Main where
| import Data.IORef
| class MyReader r v | r -> v where
|   myRead :: r -> IO v
| data R v = R (IORef v)
| instance MyReader (R v) v where
|   myRead (R v) =
|     do v <- readIORef v
|        return v
| a :: IO ()
| a =
|   do r <- createReader
|      b r
| b :: MyReader r Int => r -> IO ()
| b r =
|   do i <- myRead r
|      if i > 10
|        then a
|        else putStrLn (show i)
| createReader :: IO (R Int)
| createReader =
|   do ref <- newIORef 0
|      return (R ref)
| A real example will be a bit more complicated, but this is basically
| what I need to do and currently am not able to. Of course, when
| I can show you the real example. Somewhere in the history of this
| mailling list I read that people have had this program before, but
| in toy programs. However, I am experincing this problem currently in
| something that is not a toy program. Therefore, my question is if it
| would be possible to lift this constraint on the language, and also,
| the developers of GHC are currently planning to do this...
| Thanks,
| Robert

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