Problem with DB and Char size

Ketil Malde ketil+haskell at
Thu Jan 27 12:17:48 EST 2005

"Santoemma Enrico" <enrico.santoemma at> writes:

> The problem is: Oracle ODBC driver expects, at least under Windows,
> UCS-2 strings. Then, if the DB is set to UTF-8, it converts the string
> into UTF-8.  I'm using HSQL to access ODBC.

Isn't UCS-2 the old 16-bit Unicode representation?  So that converting
from ASCII simply involves interspersing zero-bytes? And converting
from a String (of Unicode codepoints from a subset of UCS-2), can be
done with a divMod operation.   So if you can generate the correct
string of bytes this way, withCString should work, shouldn't it?

If I haven't seen further, it is by standing in the footprints of giants

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