GHC 6.4 release candidates available

John Meacham john at
Sat Feb 12 02:25:29 EST 2005

So my hack to get ghc working on x86-64 is a bit trickier with the new

all that is needed is to make sure -m32 is passed to gcc, as, and ld and
everything works great with the i386 build of ghc. for earlier versions,
I set 
extra_ghc_opts = ["-optc-m32", "-optl-m32", "-opta-m32"] for base
in package.conf. However in 6.4 there no longer seems to be an
extra_ghc_opts in package.conf.

I was able to add -m32 to extraCcOpts and extraLdOpts, but there does
not appear to be an extraAsOpts. perhaps this is an oversight? 


It would be nice if ghc always passed -m32 when targeted to i386-*-*
since it does not hurt when you are actually on a 32 bit system but
would save us x86-64 people some hassle.

John Meacham - ⑆⑆john⑈ 

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