Bootstrapping with HC files

Andrew Walrond andrew at
Mon Dec 12 13:20:45 EST 2005

I run a source based linux distro called Heretix, and I want to make a ghc 
package which will install with or without an existing ghc. At the moment, we 
supply a binary-ghc package, whch is a prerequisite of the from-source ghc 

It seems to me that I can prepare HC tarballs for my target platforms (x86, 
x86_64) which will remove the need for the ghc-binary package. My questions:

1) Can I produce 'registered' hc files? The build manual bangs on about cross 
compiling unregistered hc files, which isn't really what I need.

2) Would a ghc built from registered hgc files every bit as good and complete 
as a normally bootstrapped ghc?

If 1) and 2) then

3) Why don't you guys supply hc tarballs for bootstrapping on common 
platforms? They would seem to be rather more versatile than the usual rpms 
and binary tarballs.

Thanks in advance!

Andrew Walrond

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