recommended build system

Frederik Eaton frederik at
Sat Dec 3 19:45:37 EST 2005

Hi all,

I'm looking for a build system for my projects which will correctly
handle all of ghc's dependencies. I.e. every time I ask it to rebuild
an output file, it will only do the minimum amount of compilation
necessary. This is important to me because "ghc --make" and cabal
currently (AFAICT) will always relink an executable even when it is
not necessary to do so; thus if I have a project with a bunch of
libraries and executables, the cost of making a small modification and
recompiling is very high, and it becomes hard to maintain focus on my
projects after the initial design phase. I've just been playing around
with GNU coreutils and was impressed with how well the build system
works, and how fast the recompilation goes.

Anyway, the system that darcs uses seems to work pretty well, should I
copy that, or do people recommend other alternatives?


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