Making Windows executables...

Juan Carlos Arevalo Baeza jcab.lists at
Sat Aug 27 20:32:52 EDT 2005

   Thanx! That's exactly what I needed. The swhich was undocumented! :-P

   :-) I understand the caveats well enough. You can avoid the 
exceptions very easily using this code:

import Foreign.C.Types
import Foreign.C.String

foreign import ccall unsafe "HsBase.h __hscore_open" c_open :: CString 
-> CInt -> CInt -> IO CInt
foreign import ccall unsafe "HsBase.h dup2" dup2 :: CInt -> CInt -> IO CInt

open fname oflag pmode = withCString fname $ \c_fname -> c_open c_fname 
oflag pmode

main =
    fd <- open "nul" 2 0
    dup2 fd 0
    dup2 fd 1
    dup2 fd 2
    ... rest of the program goes here.

   Suggestion for somebody: maybe we should add this (or something such) 
as standard to the next version of GHC. I mean a proper switch (--mk-gui 
or something such) and somehow setting the standard handles like above 
when it's invoked.


Duncan Coutts wrote:

>On Sat, 2005-08-27 at 13:42 -0700, Juan Carlos Arevalo Baeza wrote:
>>   When compiling a haskell program under Windows, is there any way to 
>>compile it as a GUI program instead of a console program?
>Yes, see the following FAQ from Gtk2Hs:
>and do make sure you understand the caveats.
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