6.4.1 release candidate testing

Luke Maurer maurerl at carleton.edu
Wed Aug 3 13:04:01 EDT 2005

>>I just tweaked the 2nd line to:
>>use ppc64 && echo "GhcWithInterpreter=NO" >> mk/build.mk
>>so I can get 'ghci' built.
> I think you can do away with the first line too, I've just done a successful
> build with split objects on gentoo/amd64.

I can confirm that GHC works on my Gentoo AMD64 box under 
GCC 4.0.1, with the stock 6.4 ebuild modified only for the version bump 
and to build with split objects and ghci, as above.

Thanks for the good work! :-) I've been looking forward eagerly to 
native AMD64 support; sure, I've got a 32-bit chroot, but it's just not 
the same :-D

Luke Maurer
maurerl at carleton.edu

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