OpenGL/GLUT examples crashing: known problem?

Tim Smith tim at
Wed Apr 6 19:44:04 EDT 2005

Hi!  I just got GLUT to compile with a recent GHC (tried both ghc6.4 and
a fresh CVS), see:

Anyways, now I did 'gmake' in GLUT/examples.  Everything builds fine,
but a number of the examples don't work.  I.e., in RedBook:

2:39 ~/local/src/build/libraries/GLUT/examples/RedBook$ for f in `find . -type f
-perm 755 -print`; do if $f >/dev/null 2>&1; then echo "$f OK"; else echo "$f
failed"; fi; done
./Alpha OK
./BezCurve OK  
./BezMesh failed
./BezSurf OK
./BlendEqn OK
./Checker OK  
./Clip failed
./ColorMat failed
./ColorMatrix OK
./ColorTable OK
./Combiner OK   
./Convolution OK
./Cube OK
./CubeMap failed
./DList OK
./Double OK
./DrawF OK
./Feedback OK
./Fog failed  
./FogCoord OK
./Font OK
./Hello OK
./Histogram OK
./Image OK
./Light failed
./Lines OK
./MVArray failed
./Material failed
./Minmax OK
./Mipmap OK
./Model OK
./MoveLight failed
./MultiTex OK
./PickDepth OK
./PickSquare OK
./Planet failed
./Polys OK
./Quadric failed
./Robot OK
./Scene failed
./Select OK
./ShadowMap failed
./Smooth OK
./SurfPoints OK
./Surface failed
./Teapots failed
./Tess OK
./TexBind OK
./TessWind OK
./TexGen failed
./TexProx OK
./TexSub OK
./Texture3D OK
./TextureSurf OK
./Trim failed
./UnProject OK
./VArray OK
./Wrap OK

This is probably some known bug, but I wanted to check.  If so, does
anyone know what the parameters are on what can be used, and what will
core dump?  If it's not a known bug, I'll file a bug report - any other
info that would be helpful?

Thank you!

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