Haddock: how to disable the JavaScript menus?

Simon Marlow simonmar at microsoft.com
Thu Sep 30 05:43:43 EDT 2004

On 30 September 2004 10:08, Simon Marlow wrote:

> On 28 September 2004 16:06, Malcolm Wallace wrote:
>> On the theme of improving Haddock, do you think it could be fixed to
>> generate valid HTML?  Here are some examples of the errors I get when
>> running Haddock output through "validate" (the Web Design Group's
>> HTML and XML validator).
> Oops!  I did check the output with a validator at one point, but it
> looks like I've broken it since.  Thanks for pointing it out.

It appears that the current CVS Haddock sources generate valid HTML,
according to the W3C validator.


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