ppr styles...

MR K P SCHUPKE k.schupke at imperial.ac.uk
Mon Sep 6 06:35:01 EDT 2004

I have added some of the required deriving clauses, however I now
get lots of warnings about:

Bad eta expand
    __coerce ()
    (CmmParse.zgzg {- v rnrp -}
       @ ()
       @ ()
       (__coerce CmmParse.ExtCode {- tc rB2 -} happyzuxzu1 {- v a1B9 -})
       (__coerce CmmParse.ExtCode {- tc rB2 -} happyzuxzu2 {- v a1B8 -})
       (__coerce CmmParse.Env {- tc rB6 -} eta {- v skLC -}))

Is this something I should worry about?


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