typechecking too eager?
Keean Schupke
k.schupke at imperial.ac.uk
Sun Nov 7 14:27:55 EST 2004
So, does that mean that ideally we would like it to type
check, but for implementation reasons it cannot easily
be done without a type signature?
I can use the type signature no problem.
Andres Loeh wrote:
>Hi there,
>>The following code should compile (If the constructor
>>is valid, so is the function):
>>data Test = Test (forall a . a)
>>test a = Test a
>>However this fails to compile with the following error:
>The current implementation of rank-n polymorphism
>(which is documented in the paper "Pratical type inference
>for arbitrary-rank types") does not "guess" polymorphic
>types for lambda-abstracted values.
>In this situation, this means that the variable "a"
>is assumed to have a monorphic type, which then cannot
>be passed to "Test" as an argument.
>Knowledge about polymorphism is passed down/inwards,
>but not up/outwards.
>This definition typechecks only if you add a type
>test :: (forall a . a) -> Test
>If you want to know the reasons, read the paper. It explains
>the problems very well.
> Andres
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