happy and OPTIONS pragmas

Ian Lynagh igloo at earth.li
Thu Nov 4 13:20:53 EST 2004


If I have this at the start of a .x file:

    {-# OPTIONS -w #-}
    module Lexer (lex_tok) where

then the generated .hs file starts:

    {-# OPTIONS -cpp #-}
    {-# LINE 2 "Lexer.x" #-}
    {-# OPTIONS -w #-}
    module Lexer (lex_tok) where

and the warnings are suppressed when I compile my program with
ghc -Wall --make

However, if a .y file starts:

    {-# OPTIONS -w #-}
    -- Foo
    {-# OPTIONS -w #-}
    module Parser (parse) where

then the generated .hs file starts:

    -- parser produced by Happy Version 1.14
    -- Foo
    {-# OPTIONS -w #-}
    module Parser (parse) where

so the pragma before my comment has been eaten and the 2 comments mean
that ghc doesn't see the pragma, so gives me all the warnings anyway.

Can happy be changed so my pragma gets through please?

Ian, with happy 1.14

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