Haddock can't parse data declaration involving operator

Stefan Reich doc at drjava.de
Sun May 9 17:07:22 EDT 2004


I hope this is the right place to ask about Haddock problems?

I'm using Haddock 0.6 (RedHat RPM module) under RedHat 9. When I invoke 
haddock on this file (Op.hs):

	module Op where

	infixl 4 :=
	data a := b = a := b

I get the error "Op.hs:Illegal data/newtype declaration".

Is this a known problem?

Asking more broadly - maybe there is another tool that does what I need: 
I just want an overview of all my modules including their exported 
identifiers and all type signatures (including inferred signatures).

Thanks in advance,

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