profiling in 6.2.2-pre
Serge D. Mechveliani
mechvel at
Tue Aug 24 01:56:48 EDT 2004
Please, could you help me to arrange profiling with cvs ghc-6-2-2
Without profiling, the Makefile contains
HCFlags = $(language) -i$(idirs) -odir $(e) -hidir $(e) \
-ddump-hi-diffs \
+RTS $(space) -RTS $(extraHCOpts)
extraHCOpts =
pack = Package {name = "\"dm\"", \
import_dirs = ["\"$(e)\""], \
source_dirs = [], \
library_dirs = ["\"$(e)\""], \
hs_libraries = ["\"HSdm\""], \
extra_libraries = [], \
include_dirs = [], \
c_includes = [], \
package_deps = [\"data\"], \
extra_ghc_opts = [$(extraPackageOpts)], \
extra_cc_opts = [], \
extra_ld_opts = [] }
if [ ! -d $(e) ]; then mkdir $(e); fi
$(ghc) $(HCFlags) --make DExport -package-name dm
dm: obj
rm -f $(e)/libHSdm.a $(e)/HSdm.o
ar -qc $(e)/libHSdm.a $(wildcard $(e)/*.o)
$(RANLIB) $(e)/libHSdm.a
$(RANLIB) $(e)/libHSdm.a
echo $(pack) | $(ghcpkg) -f $(s)/dm.conf -u -g
$(ghcpkg) -f $(s)/dm.conf -l
First, I do not recall why the line $(RANLIB) $(e)/libHSdm.a
repeats, by intention or by a typo.
Then, for the profiling, I set
extraHCOpts = -prof -hisuf p_hi -osuf p_o
dm: obj
rm -f $(e)/libHSdm* $(e)/HSdm*
ar -qc $(e)/libHSdm_p.a $(wildcard $(e)/*.p_o)
~~~~ ~~~~
$(RANLIB) $(e)/libHSdm_p.a
$(RANLIB) $(e)/libHSdm_p.a
echo $(pack) | $(ghcpkg) -f $(s)/dm.conf -u -g
$(ghcpkg) -f $(s)/dm.conf -l
To build the test, I command
cd demotest
ghc $pcpdm -prof -hisuf p_hi -osuf p_o --make Main
Please, where to set foo_p.a or foo.p_a ... ?
(or what it might be).
And how the above $(ghcpkg) ... -u -g correlates with this.
What to change in
pack = Package {... ? }
I set it one way, and the library build reports
cannot find `libHSdm.a' on library path.
I set it other way, and
ghc $pcpdm -prof -hisuf p_hi -osuf p_o --make Main
reports cannot find HSdm_p
Should it be
export/HSdm_p.o or HSdm.p_o or HSdm.o or ?
export/libHSdm_p.a or libHSdm.p_a or libHSdm.a or ?
As Simon Marlow has the source, maybe he could send me the
corresponding settled Makefile?
> In the future, Cabal will make this easier.
> Have you tried using Cabal for docon yet?
> It should simplify a lot of things for you.
I applied profiling with GHC 2-3 years ago. It helped.
And do not recall of Cabal, nor even of -hisuf p_hi -osuf p_o
Why should GHC complicate the usage?
Thank you in advance for the help,
Serge Mechveliani
mechvel at
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