GHC 6.2.1 compilation fails when compiling FFI code with -pro
f or -O2
Bayley, Alistair
Alistair_Bayley at
Wed Apr 21 14:48:59 EDT 2004
Sorry for the stupidity... just found the -I<dir> option...
Although it is a bit frustrating when an FFI program that used to compile
stops when you add supposedly "harmless" options such as -O or -prof. Might
be worth adding a section to the FFI section of the manual about using the
-I<dir> flag when compiling via C, as -I<dir> is not needed when you compile
with native code generation. And a mention in the FFI section that -prof and
-O will change the compilation strategy from native to via-C (thus possibly
requiring the addition of the -I<dir> flag) would be nice, although I
realise that's duplicating information available elsewhere.
(Actually, compiling via C has been valuable for me because the C compiler
moaned about a foreign function being called with too few args, which was
the result of an incorrect "foreign import" declaration i.e. the C compiler
found a bug in my Haskell code, which the GHC native code-generator wouldn't
have picked up. Plus it gives warnings on other dodgy things I'm doing.
Better fix 'em...)
> -----Original Message-----
> From: Bayley, Alistair [mailto:Alistair_Bayley at]
> The "oci.h" file in question is located in
> c:\orant817\oci\include, and
> oci.dll is located in c:\orant817\bin. When I compiled with
> -prof I tried
> adding -#include c:\orant817\oci\include\oci.h, but this
> produces the output
> below, where files included by oci.h can't be found. The
> oci.h file is at
> the root of quite a large .h include tree; do I have to
> specify every .h
> file in this tree with -#include?
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