turn off let floating
Bernard James POPE
bjpop at cs.mu.OZ.AU
Tue Apr 20 22:48:07 EDT 2004
On Thu, Apr 15, 2004 at 10:43:22AM -0700, Carl Witty wrote:
> > > However, if you have any suggestions about how to make a FAST
> > > global counter
> > > I would be very glad to hear it. From profiling it seems like
> > > this code
> > > is a little expensive (also it is called quite frequently).
> >
> > You could try the FastMutInt module from GHC
> > (ghc/compiler/utils/FastMutInt.hs) to speed things up. Unfortunately
> > unsafePerformIO has some unavoidable overhead: it can't be inlined
> > because we don't want the compiler to see its definition.
> What happens if you use the FFI to call a C function like
> int getCount() { static int x; return x++; }
> and mark the function pure (outside the IO monad) and noinline?
> (Probably all the calls get commoned up and it only gets called once;
> but it might be worth a try).
Hi all,
To test out the various possible ways of implementing a global counter
I wrote some test cases (shown below). I hope the test cases are
useful, and provide some indication of the relative performance.
However, if you spot something bogus please let me know.
Each program computes the equivalent of:
sum ([1..100000000] :: [Int])
There are four different ways that I tried:
1) pure: this is just pure functional code and should be fast.
This test case is only here as a control example, it is not
a candidate solution because I need a global counter.
2) ioref: this uses a global mutable counter using IORefs and
3) fastMut: this uses the fast mutable integer library from GHC
that was suggested by Simon Marlow.
4) ffi: this implements the counter in C using the FFI.
They all run in a reasonable amount of memory so I won't report the
memory information here, just total runtime, as computed by the
unix "time" command.
method runtime (s)
pure 0.7
ffi 3.2
fastMut 15
ioref 23
Note each program was compiled with ghc 6.2 with -O2 on debian linux.
One caveat is that the ffi code keeps the counter in C until the very end
of the program. This doesn't reflect the fact that I want to put each
value of the counter into a Haskell data structure, so there should be
an additional cost of turning the C int back into a Haskell Int for every
increment. I'll need to write a different test case for this aspect.
Here are the programs in the same order that they appear in the results table:
{- pure -}
module Main where
main = print $ loop 100000000 0
loop :: Int -> Int -> Int
loop 0 acc = acc
loop n acc = loop (n-1) $! (acc + n)
/* ffi Haskell code */
{-# OPTIONS -fglasgow-exts #-}
module Main where
-- the use of unsafe makes a big difference in runtime
foreign import ccall unsafe "incC" inc :: Int -> ()
foreign import ccall "getCounterC" getCounter :: Int -> IO Int
printCounter :: IO ()
= do val <- getCounter 0 -- the 0 is bogus
print val
main :: IO ()
main = seq (loop 100000000) printCounter
loop :: Int -> ()
loop 0 = ()
loop n = seq (inc n) (loop $! n - 1)
/* ffi C code */
#include "inc.h"
int counter = 0;
void incC (int howmuch)
int getCounterC (int bogus)
return counter;
{- fastMut -}
module Main where
import System.IO.Unsafe (unsafePerformIO)
import FastMutInt
{-# NOINLINE counter #-}
counter :: FastMutInt
counter = unsafePerformIO newFastMutInt
{-# NOINLINE inc #-}
inc :: Int -> ()
inc n = unsafePerformIO $
do incFastMutIntBy counter n
return ()
printCounter :: IO ()
= do val <- readFastMutInt counter
print val
main :: IO ()
main = do writeFastMutInt counter 0
seq (loop 100000000) printCounter
loop :: Int -> ()
loop 0 = ()
loop n = seq (inc n) (loop $! n - 1)
{- ioref -}
module Main where
import System.IO.Unsafe (unsafePerformIO)
import Data.IORef (newIORef, readIORef, writeIORef, IORef)
counter :: IORef Int
{-# NOINLINE counter #-}
counter = unsafePerformIO (newIORef 0)
{-# NOINLINE inc #-}
inc :: Int -> ()
inc n = unsafePerformIO $
do old <- readIORef counter
writeIORef counter $! old + n
printCounter :: IO ()
= do val <- readIORef counter
print val
main :: IO ()
main = seq (loop 100000000) printCounter
loop :: Int -> ()
loop 0 = ()
loop n = seq (inc n) (loop $! n - 1)
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