About unsafeThaw and unsafeFreeze efficiency ....
heron_carvalho at bol.com.br
heron_carvalho at bol.com.br
Wed Nov 5 03:17:11 EST 2003
in GHC documentation, it is said :
"unsafeThaw :: (Ix i, IArray a e, MArray b e m) => a i e -
> m (b i e)
Converts an immutable array into a mutable array without
taking a copy. This function is "unsafe" because any
subsequent modifications made to the mutable version of
the array will be shared with the immutable version. It
is safe to use, therefore, if the immutable version is
never referenced
again. "
I am trying to use unsafeThaw in a parallel program
written in a parallel language that I am developing. A
process have to transmit a UArray Int Double to another
process. I used unsafeThaw to translate the UArray into a
StorableArray. Thus, using the function
withStorableArray, it is possible to access the array
elements (double's) in a contiguos buffer that could be
sent directly through MPI. The receiving process fetch
the message (MPI_Recv) in a buffer and copy their
elements (including array bounds information) in a
StorableArray (using withStorableArray and copyArray).
Then, using unsafeFreeze applied to the StorableArray,
the original UArray Int Double sent by the sender is
But this is efficient only if the conversion from
UArray to StorableArray, using unsafe versions of thaw
and freeze, does not take a copy, as GHC documentation
suggests to the reader. However, my experiments
(profiling, measurements, etc.) have detected a source of
ineficiency in the application of unsafeThaw and
unsafreFreeze. It appears to be more efficient to
translate the array to a list (using elems) and then copy
the list in a "Ptr" array using pokeArray.
unsafeThaw is really "free of copy" ?? Any
exception ?? I need a way to access an unboxed immutable
array in a contiguos buffer in constant time, in
order to minimize marshalling overheads for preparing a
message to be sent through a network, using MPI. This is
important for parallel scientific code, that makes
extensive use of arrays and have to transmitt them
between processes.
Any suggestion ?
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