instance MPlus IO?
Ashley Yakeley
Wed, 21 May 2003 22:04:04 -0700
In article <>,
Tom Pledger <> wrote:
> Hal Daume III writes:
> | The docs claim this instance exists, but it doesn't seem to.
> | Moreoever, such an instance doesn't make sense to me.
> The following is from Control.Monad.Error.
> instance MonadPlus IO where
> mzero = ioError (userError "mzero")
> m `mplus` n = m `catch` \_ -> n
I tend to agree with Hal. This muddles up the semantics of MonadPlus
IMO. I think mplus/mzero should do proper backtracking. For instance:
test = do {
t <- (return True) `mplus` (return False);
if t then mzero else return ();
In my opinion this test should always return rather than be mzero. At
the very least it's useful have separate "plus" operators that do and
don't do proper backtracking.
In HBase I have separate classes:
class (Monad m) =>
MonadZero m where
mzero :: m a;
class (MonadZero m) =>
MonadOr m where
mOrElse :: m a -> m a -> m a;
class (MonadOr m) =>
MonadPlus m where
mplus :: m a -> m a -> m a;
msum :: [m a] -> m a;
returnMany :: [a] -> m a;
msum [] = mzero;
msum (p:ps) = mplus p (msum ps);
returnMany = msum . (fmap return);
class (MonadPlus m) =>
MonadFirst m where
mfirst :: m a -> m a;
As a gloss for their meanings, these are the instances for []:
instance MonadZero [] where
mzero = [];
instance MonadOr [] where
mOrElse [] = id;
mOrElse (a:_) = const [a];
instance MonadPlus [] where
mplus = (++);
msum = concatenateList;
returnMany = id;
instance MonadFirst [] where
mfirst [] = [];
mfirst (x:_) = [x];
Ashley Yakeley, Seattle WA