Converting things to and from binary
Glynn Clements
Tue, 20 May 2003 03:48:24 +0100
Tomasz Zielonka wrote:
> > > The general problem to solve is "How to we convert things to and from a
> > > binary format, so they can be efficiently written to and from disk".
> >
> > Possibly the best way to handle this would be to extend the Storable
> > class, e.g.
> >
> > class Storable a where
> > ...
> > hPutObj :: Handle -> a -> IO ()
> > hGetObj :: Handle -> IO a
> > toByteList :: a -> [Word8]
> > fromByteList :: [Word8] -> a
> > toByteArray :: a -> Array Int Word8
> > fromByteArray :: Array Int Word8 -> a
> Hmmm, I thought that Foreign.Storable.Storable is meant for different
> purposes, namely for accessing C data in memory and for marshalling
> between Haskell and C worlds. Are you sure that these functionalities
> must overlap?
> Extending Storable would require to extend its every existing instance.
> It might be better to introduce some subclass, but I'm not sure that
> every type supporting marshalling to and from binary format can
> support operations from Storable.
> It's quite easy to write value of type [[Int]] to disk, but how to
> define alignment and sizeOf methods for this type?
Sorry, I'd overlooked the fact that Storable was limited to fixed-size
In any case, reading/writing data to memory and to disk aren't all
that different; the existence of mmap() relies upon that fact. And,
mmap() aside, on most OSes, all I/O comes down to reading and writing
blocks of memory (i.e. read() and write()); everything else is just
additional layers.
I still think that we need a superclass of Storable, as any instance
of Storable can be read and written with e.g.:
hPutObj :: (Storable a) => Handle -> a -> IO ()
hPutObj h x = do
alloca $ \ptr -> do
poke ptr x
fd <- handleToFd h
let bptr = castPtr ptr :: Ptr CChar
let blen = fromIntegral $ sizeOf x
write fd bptr blen
hGetObj' :: (Storable a) => Handle -> a -> IO a
hGetObj' h dummy = do
alloca $ \ptr -> do
let blen = fromIntegral $ sizeOf dummy
let bptr = castPtr ptr :: Ptr CChar
fd <- handleToFd h
read fd bptr blen
x <- peek ptr
return x
hGetObj :: (Storable a) => Handle -> IO a
hGetObj h = hGetObj' h undefined
A similar process can be used to convert instances of Storable to or
from a list (or array) of bytes.
Glynn Clements <>