interpreter in 5.04.3
Simon Marlow
Fri, 9 May 2003 10:04:41 +0100
> *
> Is it possible to build ghc-5.04.3 =20
> with interpreter?
> For we have installed it from RPM, and it reports that ghci
> would not work.
Details, details! Platform, OS version, which RPM did you install, what
command line did you issue and what was the error message?
> This DoCon installation aims at the following meaning:
> initially, HSdocon.o, libHSdocon.a are absent,
> compile DoCon modules
> making libraries $(e)/HSdocon.o, $(e)/libHSdocon.a,
> and these libraries have to link when using the package docon.
> It works in ghc-5.02
> =20
> (see, version 2.06, Makefile),
> and quotations look all right, because it is in Makefile and it=20
> issues `echo' ...
> But in ghc-5.04.3, Makefile needs to skip "HSdocon",
> and someone has to set it to docon.conf after the installation.=20
> Maybe, it is a trivial question, but still I wonder how to improve
> Makefile in a proper way.
I still can't tell what's wrong.
You need to show us the *actual* contents of docon.conf, and where
exactly does the library libHSdocon.a reside?