Stack profiling
Simon Marlow
Wed, 5 Mar 2003 10:03:02 -0000
> | > Stephen Pitts <> wrote:
> | >> Is there an easy way to profile stack usage without=20
> rebuilding with
> | >> ticky-ticky profiling? I have two implementations of an=20
> algorithm;
> | >> the one with straight lists seems to use constant stack,=20
> while the
> | >> one with a JoinList is eating up stack at an O(n) rate.
> I don't think there is right now. What sort of profile would you like
> to see in an ideal world? What sort of profile would still be useful,
> even if not ideal? Remember that GHC is a concurrent system, so there
> may be many threads running, each with its own stack.
> Even with ticky-ticky, I'm not sure if we capture maximum=20
> stack depth at
> the moment. But I agree that something along those lines=20
> sounds useful.
> Anyone feel like helping implement it, if we could agree a spec?
In the CVS version there's a -xt RTS flag that enables inclusion of
thread stacks in a heap profile. It's crude, because thread stacks grow
by doubling their size every time they run out of space, but it should
be enough to show the difference between O(n) stack usage and O(1).