@-bindings broken in 6.0?
Simon Peyton-Jones
Wed, 25 Jun 2003 07:55:15 +0100
| > -farrows
| Is this switch documented somewhere? I looked through the docs in the
| latest CVS version of GHC and couldn't find anything about it ...
Not yet: I only put it in this week! And it's not documented yet.
There are some examples, though
And the commit message contains many details (enclosed)
Add support for Ross Paterson's arrow notation
Ross Paterson's ICFP'01 paper described syntax to support John Hughes's
"arrows", rather as do-notation supports monads. Except that
do-notation is
relatively modest -- you can write monads by hand without much trouble
whereas arrow-notation is more-or-less essential for writing arrow
It desugars to a massive pile of tuple construction and selection!
For some time, Ross has had a pre-processor for arrow notation, but the
resulting type error messages (reported in terms of the desugared code)
are impenetrable. This commit integrates the syntax into GHC. The=20
type error messages almost certainly still require tuning, but they
be better than with the pre-processor.
Main syntactic changes (enabled with -farrows)
exp ::=3D ... | proc pat -> cmd
cmd ::=3D exp1 -< exp2 | exp1 >- exp2
| exp1 -<< exp2 | exp1 >>- exp2
| \ pat1 .. patn -> cmd
| let decls in cmd
| if exp then cmd1 else cmd2
| do { cstmt1 .. cstmtn ; cmd }
| (| exp |) cmd1 .. cmdn
| cmd1 qop cmd2
| case exp of { calts }
cstmt :: =3D let decls
| pat <- cmd
| rec { cstmt1 .. cstmtn }
| cmd
New keywords and symbols:
proc rec
-< >- -<< >>- =20
(| |)
The do-notation in cmds was not described in Ross's ICFP'01 paper;
it's in his chapter in The Fun of Programming (Plagrave 2003).
The four arrow-tail forms (-<) etc cover=20
(a) which order the pices come in (-< vs >-), and=20
(b) whether the locally bound variables can be used in the
arrow part (-< vs -<<) . =20
In previous presentations, the higher-order-ness (b) was inferred,
but it makes a big difference to the typing required so it seems more
consistent to be explicit.
The 'rec' form is also available in do-notation:
* you can use 'rec' in an ordinary do, with the obvious meaning
* using 'mdo' just says "infer the minimal recs"
Still to do
Top priority is the user manual.
The implementation still lacks an implementation of
the case form of cmd.
Implementation notes
Cmds are parsed, and indeed renamed, as expressions. The type checker=20
distinguishes the two. =20