isEmptyChan blocks?
Simon Marlow
Mon, 23 Jun 2003 11:05:44 +0100
> In local.glasgow-haskell-users, you wrote:
> > That makes isEmptyChan essentially useless. Either it should be
> > removed, or the implementation of Chan needs to be=20
> elaborated to support
> > isEmptyChan.
> I have a new implementation here which should track the=20
> number of elements
> in a channel, taking also into account unGetChan & dupChan.=20
> It seems to
> work, but lacks thorough testing. In any case, as it bloats=20
> the data structure
> data Chan a
> =3D Chan (MVar ([MVar Integer],Stream a))
> (MVar ([MVar Integer],Stream a))
> (MVar Integer)
> type Stream a =3D MVar ([MVar Integer],ChItem a)
> it should probably be something like Control.Concurrent.CountChan.
Could you explain how this works? writeChan doesn't update the count -
it should, right? But if it does, won't there be race conditions when
read & write happen at the same time?
> [although I consider
> mapM_ (uncurry putMVar) (zip counts (map (+1) vs))
> rather neat :)]
Not as neat as
zipWithM_ putMVar counts (map (+1) vs)