isEmptyChan blocks?
Simon Peyton-Jones
Thu, 19 Jun 2003 10:34:47 +0100
| > I noticed that isEmptyChan blocks if the channel is already
| > waited on by readChan, is this the intended behaviour?
| > At least I was a bit surprised by a blocking predicate..
| I agree this doesn't seem right. Looking at the implementation
| I can't see an easy way to fix it - any suggestions?
Just to clarify. The offending module is Control.Concurrent.Chan, and
I reproduce the key code below.=20
The channel is represented by a pair of MVars, which point to head and
tail (respectively) of a list composed of MVars. The difficulty is that
a blocked reader will own the read-end MVar, so isEmptyChan blocks. =20
That makes isEmptyChan essentially useless. Either it should be
removed, or the implementation of Chan needs to be elaborated to support
-- A channel is represented by two @MVar@s keeping track of the two ends
-- of the channel contents,i.e., the read- and write ends. Empty
-- are used to handle consumers trying to read from an empty channel.
-- |'Chan' is an abstract type representing an unbounded FIFO channel.
data Chan a =3D Chan (MVar (Stream a)) (MVar (Stream a))
type Stream a =3D MVar (ChItem a)
data ChItem a =3D ChItem a (Stream a)
-- See the Concurrent Haskell paper for a diagram explaining the
-- how the different channel operations proceed.
-- |Build and returns a new instance of 'Chan'.
newChan :: IO (Chan a)
newChan =3D do
hole <- newEmptyMVar
read <- newMVar hole
write <- newMVar hole
return (Chan read write)
-- To put an element on a channel, a new hole at the write end is
-- What was previously the empty @MVar@ at the back of the channel is
-- filled in with a new stream element holding the entered value and the
-- new hole.
-- |Write a value to a 'Chan'.
writeChan :: Chan a -> a -> IO ()
writeChan (Chan _read write) val =3D do
new_hole <- newEmptyMVar
modifyMVar_ write $ \old_hole -> do
putMVar old_hole (ChItem val new_hole)
return new_hole
-- |Read the next value from the 'Chan'.
readChan :: Chan a -> IO a
readChan (Chan read _write) =3D do
modifyMVar read $ \read_end -> do
(ChItem val new_read_end) <- readMVar read_end
-- Use readMVar here, not takeMVar,
-- else dupChan doesn't work
return (new_read_end, val)
-- |Returns 'True' if the supplied 'Chan' is empty.
isEmptyChan :: Chan a -> IO Bool
isEmptyChan (Chan read write) =3D do
withMVar read $ \r -> do
w <- readMVar write
let eq =3D r =3D=3D w
eq `seq` return eq