running 6.0 for Linux on Red Hat 9
John Mann
Fri, 6 Jun 2003 09:54:15 -0700 (PDT)
Content-Type: text/plain; charset=us-ascii
Hello all. I would like to know whether I can use the following binary of the ghc compiler for Linux, listed on the Glasgow Haskell home page, on my Red Hat 9 Linux Pentium box which has glibc version 2.3.2;
"Binary tar for Linux/x86 with glibc 2.2 (a complete build, including interactive system, profiling libraries and documentation): .tar.bz2 (12.7 Mb). This build was done on a RedHat 7.2 box."
Will there be an incompatibility with the glibc 2.2 used for the build? If so, what's the next best way to get ghc installed? Thanks in advance.
John Mann
"I'd rather be debugging...." - Anon
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Content-Type: text/html; charset=us-ascii
<P>Hello all. I would like to know whether I can use the following binary of the ghc compiler for Linux, listed on the Glasgow Haskell home page, on my Red Hat 9 Linux Pentium box which has glibc version 2.3.2;</P>
<P> </P>
<P>"Binary tar for Linux/x86 with glibc 2.2 (a complete build, including interactive system, profiling libraries and documentation): <A href="">.tar.bz2</A> (12.7 Mb). This build was done on a RedHat 7.2 box."</P>
<P> </P>
<P>Will there be an incompatibility with the glibc 2.2 used for the build? If so, what's the next best way to get ghc installed? Thanks in advance.</P>
<P>John Mann</P><BR><BR>"I'd rather be debugging...." - Anon<p><hr SIZE=1>
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