Profiling trouble
Bayley, Alistair
Thu, 30 Jan 2003 16:33:31 -0000
> From: Ferenc Wagner []
> ...
> One more question: is there a way not to truncate the call
> stacks? Ie in the hp file I see lines like
> (144)showData2/showData/ma... 12
> and I'd like to see showData2/showData/main or so.
hear, hear...
I'm also having some fun with profiling...
The GHC manual might want to mention that running ghc --show-iface
on an interface file won't work if it was compiled with -prof.
You get: "mismatched interface file versions: expected 5042, found 5042p"
Compiling sans -prof works.
Heap profiling falls over (seg fault) in some cases unless I compile with
Cost-centre profiling works in both cases, and reveals that without -O2, a
lot more heap is used:
Sans -O2:
queens +RTS -p -RTS
total time = 28.42 secs (1421 ticks @ 20 ms)
total alloc = 791,617,668 bytes (excludes profiling overheads)
Avec -O2:
queens +RTS -p -hc -RTS
total time = 21.28 secs (1064 ticks @ 20 ms)
total alloc = 464,256,564 bytes (excludes profiling overheads)
I suspect that using a lot of heap causes it to fall over.
(My program is called queens because I'm trying to solve
the Queens and Knights problem on this page: )
How do I tell if my functions are strict or not?
The manual says:
"Look for your function in the interface file, then for the third field in
the pragma; it should say __S <string>. The <string> gives the strictness of
the function's arguments. L is lazy (bad), S and E are strict (good), P is
primitive (good), U(...) is strict and unpackable (very good), and A is
absent (very good)."
Now, my functions weren't exported, so I've exported some of them, and used
ghc -Wall -ddump-simpl -ddump-hi ...
to compile, and now I get this (I've removed the Core syntax stuff, 'cos
there's a lot of it):
==================== NEW FINAL INTERFACE ====================
__interface "Main" Main 1 5042 where
__export Main addQueens addQueens2 allSquares eightQueens keepBoard
knightsQueens main placeKnight placeQueen showBoard showBoards showRow
showSquare testAndAdd;
import Data.Set :: 1;
import GHC.IOBase :: 1;
import GHC.TopHandler :: 1;
import GHC.Base ! :: 1;
import GHC.Real :: 1;
import GHC.Enum :: 1;
import GHC.Num :: 1;
import GHC.Show :: 1;
import GHC.List :: 1;
import System.IO :: 1;
import Data.Tuple :: 1;
import GHC.Ptr :: 1;
import Foreign.Ptr ! :: 1;
import Data.FiniteMap :: 1;
(Main.$main) :: GHC.IOBase.IO ();
Main.knightsQueens :: [Main.Board];
Main.main :: GHC.IOBase.IO ();
Main.placeQueen :: Main.Board
-> [Main.Coord] -> [Main.Board] -> [Main.Board];
Main.placeKnight :: Main.Board
-> [Main.Coord] -> [Main.Board] -> [Main.Board];
Main.testAndAdd :: Main.Board -> [Main.Board] -> [Main.Board];
Main.keepBoard :: Main.Board -> GHC.Base.Bool;
Main.allSquares :: [Main.Coord];
Main.eightQueens :: [Main.Board];
Main.addQueens :: Main.Board
-> GHC.Base.Int -> [Main.Board] -> [Main.Board];
Main.addQueens2 :: Main.Board
-> GHC.Base.Int -> GHC.Base.Int -> [Main.Board] ->
Main.showBoards :: [Main.Board] -> GHC.Base.String;
Main.showBoard :: Main.Board -> GHC.Base.String;
Main.showRow :: Main.Board -> GHC.Base.Int -> GHC.Base.String;
Main.showSquare :: Main.Board
-> GHC.Base.Int -> GHC.Base.Int -> GHC.Base.Char;
type Main.Coord = (GHC.Base.Int, GHC.Base.Int);
type Main.Square = GHC.Base.Int;
type Main.Squares = Data.Set.Set Main.Square;
type Main.Board = (Main.Squares, Main.Squares, Main.Squares);
What should I be looking for? Can/should I inspect the Core syntax too?
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