calling haskell from C from haskell
Arjen Hommersom
Fri, 03 Jan 2003 15:38:49 +0100
Is calling haskell from C from haskell possible? This is what i tried
(generated with green-card):
{-# OPTIONS -#include "Main_stub.h" #-}
module Main where
import StdDIS
foreign export ccall foo :: Int -> Int
foo i = i+1
bar :: Int -> IO Int
bar arg1 =
_casm_ ``do {int arg1;int res1;
arg1 = (int)%0;
do { res1 = foo(arg1);
printf("Result = %%d\n", res1);
%r = (int)(res1);} while(0);
} while(0);'' arg1
>>= \ res1 -> (return (res1))
main = do i <- bar 1
putStrLn (show i)
Compiling it with:
ghc -fglasgow-exts -package lang -fvia-C -c Main.hs
ghc -o test -package lang Main.o Main_stub.o StdDIS.o
results in:
$ ./test
Result = 2
Segmentation fault
compiling it with some variation of startupHaskell() and
shutdownHaskell() does not seem to help.
Arjen Hommersom