child process statistics
Dean Herington
Thu, 27 Feb 2003 23:35:38 -0500 (EST)
On Wed, 26 Feb 2003, Sigbjorn Finne wrote:
> wait3() or getrusage()? (Neither of which are supported
> by the posix library.)
> --sigbjorn
Thanks, Sigbjorn. I drafted a Haskell wrapping of wait4(), modeled on
code I found in CVS. See attached. I'd like a bit of help in two
1. I found it difficult to satisfy the code requirements because I'm
building the module outside the RTS build environment. Some issues:
a. I don't know how to make a .hsc file, which would be the appropriate
form for the file, I think. This meant I couldn't use #const, and may
also explain why I couldn't find the __hsunix_* routines.
b. I had to duplicate some helper functions, including `waitOptions` and
`decipherWaitStatus`, because they didn't seem to be exported from the
module in which they're defined.
c. I'm not sure how to define `struct timeval` and `struct rusage` so I
can avoid the kludgy code in `makeProcessResourceUsage`.
It seems that maybe I should be building in the RTS environment (and
maybe even extending the System.Posix.Process module itself) to clean
up all of the above problems. That seems a bit daunting to me, however.
2. Having gotten my module to compile cleanly, it--not surprisingly--fails
at runtime:
invalid argument
Action: reapChildProcess
Reason: Invalid argument
Maybe a few minutes of your eyes (or those of anyone else who has delved
in the RTS) would spot the problem(s) quickly. I tried gdb and saw what
appear to me to be reasonable arguments to wait4(), but I'm over my head
Thanks in advance.
> ----- Original Message -----
> From: "Dean Herington" <>
> To: <>
> Sent: Wednesday, February 26, 2003 16:17
> Subject: child process statistics
> > Does anyone know how to get the process statistics (cputime, page faults,
> > etc.) for a child process? When the child process has terminated, before
> > doing getAnyProcessStatus on it, I'd like to get its statistics.
> >
> > Browsing the libraries documentation didn't turn anything up. I couldn't
> > even find what I want at the Unix level among man pages. (I'm happy to
> > write some FFI code to access system routines if I can locate the right
> > ones.)
> >
> > Dean
{-# OPTIONS -fglasgow-exts #-}
-- Posix extras
-- $Id$
module PosixExtras
import Ratio
import System
import Posix hiding (userTime, systemTime)
import System.IO.Error
import Foreign
import Foreign.C
data ProcessResourceUsage =
ProcessResourceUsage { userTime, systemTime :: Rational }
deriving (Show, Read)
reapChildProcess :: Bool -> Bool -> ProcessID
-> IO (Maybe (ProcessID, ProcessStatus, ProcessResourceUsage))
reapChildProcess block stopped pid =
alloca $ \p_wstat ->
allocaBytes structRusageSize $ \p_sru -> do
pid' <- throwErrnoIfMinus1 "reapChildProcess"
(c_wait4 (fromIntegral pid) p_wstat
(waitOptions block stopped) p_sru)
case pid' of
0 -> return Nothing
_ -> do ps <- decipherWaitStatus p_wstat
pru <- makeProcessResourceUsage p_sru
return (Just (fromIntegral pid', ps, pru))
type CPid = CInt
structRusageSize = 144 -- I think it's 72. Include 100% slop.
type CRusage = CLong -- cheat
makeProcessResourceUsage :: Ptr CLong -> IO ProcessResourceUsage
makeProcessResourceUsage p_sru = do
-- Assume that ru_utime and ru_stime are at the beginning of struct rusage.
[uhi, ulo, shi, slo] <- mapM get [0..3]
let u = time uhi ulo
s = time shi slo
return $ ProcessResourceUsage{ userTime = u, systemTime = s }
get n = fmap fromIntegral $ peekElemOff p_sru n
time hi lo = toRational hi + (lo % 1000000)
foreign import ccall unsafe "wait4"
c_wait4 :: CPid -> Ptr CInt -> CInt -> Ptr CRusage -> IO CPid
-- The following was scarfed from
-- fptools/libraries/unix/System/Posix/Process.hsc?rev=1.4
waitOptions :: Bool -> Bool -> CInt
-- block stopped
waitOptions False False = 1 -- (#const WNOHANG)
waitOptions False True = 3 -- (#const (WNOHANG|WUNTRACED))
waitOptions True False = 0
waitOptions True True = 2 -- (#const WUNTRACED)
-- Turn a (ptr to a) wait status into a ProcessStatus
decipherWaitStatus :: Ptr CInt -> IO ProcessStatus
decipherWaitStatus wstatp = do
wstat <- peek wstatp
if c_WIFEXITED wstat /= 0
then do
let exitstatus = c_WEXITSTATUS wstat
if exitstatus == 0
then return (Exited ExitSuccess)
else return (Exited (ExitFailure (fromIntegral exitstatus)))
else do
if c_WIFSIGNALED wstat /= 0
then do
let termsig = c_WTERMSIG wstat
return (Terminated (fromIntegral termsig))
else do
if c_WIFSTOPPED wstat /= 0
then do
let stopsig = c_WSTOPSIG wstat
return (Stopped (fromIntegral stopsig))
else do
ioError (mkIOError illegalOperationErrorType
"waitStatus" Nothing Nothing)
foreign import ccall unsafe "__hsunix_wifexited"
c_WIFEXITED :: CInt -> CInt
foreign import ccall unsafe "__hsunix_wexitstatus"
foreign import ccall unsafe "__hsunix_wifsignaled"
foreign import ccall unsafe "__hsunix_wtermsig"
c_WTERMSIG :: CInt -> CInt
foreign import ccall unsafe "__hsunix_wifstopped"
c_WIFSTOPPED :: CInt -> CInt
foreign import ccall unsafe "__hsunix_wstopsig"
c_WSTOPSIG :: CInt -> CInt
c_WIFEXITED :: CInt -> CInt
c_WIFEXITED c = h2c $ fromEnum $ low7 (c2h c) == 0
c_WEXITSTATUS c = h2c $ high8 $ c2h c
c_WIFSIGNALED c = h2c $ fromEnum $ c_WIFSTOPPED c /= 0 && c_WIFEXITED c /= 0
c_WTERMSIG :: CInt -> CInt
c_WTERMSIG c = h2c $ low7 $ c2h c
c_WIFSTOPPED :: CInt -> CInt
c_WIFSTOPPED c = h2c $ fromEnum $ low8 (c2h c) == 127
c_WSTOPSIG :: CInt -> CInt
c_WSTOPSIG c = h2c $ high8 $ c2h c
low7 x = x `rem` 128
low8 x = x `rem` 256
high8 x = x `div` 256
c2h = fromIntegral
h2c = fromIntegral