Building snapshot ghc-5.05.20030123 on macOSX
Arthur Baars
Wed, 12 Feb 2003 20:06:10 +0100
I want to play a bit with Template Haskell, so I downloaded a cvs
snapshot (ghc-5.05.20030123.tar.gz) and tried to compile
it on my mac (OSX 10.2). I figured out that I needed a stage2 or
stage3 compiler to get TH working, so I tried 'make stage3' .
GHC started to compile itself three times. At lot of hours later it
Unfortunately, when I tried run the thing on a Prinf example, I got the
following message.
compiler/stage3-> ./ghc-inplace -c Printf.hs -fglasgow-exts -package
Template Haskell bracket illegal in a stage-1 compiler
[| \s -> s |]
The thing in"compiler/stage3" was just a stage-1 compiler, so ghc had
achieved nothing useful after re-compiling three times :-(
The problem is that GHCi support is not turned on for MacOSX. I guess
GHCi is used to do compile-time evaluation of code for TH.
In file "mk/" it says:
# Include GHCi in the compiler. Default to NO for the time being.
ifneq "$(findstring $(HostOS_CPP), mingw32 cygwin32 linux solaris2
freebsd netbsd openbsd)" ""
In the list of supported systems MacOSX is missing. After adding
"darwin" to this list, and waiting for hours, I got a working
Can someone add OSX("darwin") to the "mk/" file? It would
also be nice to get a warning
if one tries to compile a stage-(N>1) compiler without GHCi support.