Running a "final" finaliser
Adrian Hey
ahey at
Wed Dec 31 08:56:29 EST 2003
Hello again,
I've tried the simplest possible reference counting approach which should
be OK if all finalisers are run eventually (as I think is the case currently
with ghc 6.2).
But I don't seem to be able to get it to work. I've attached the library
reference counting code (LibRef module) to the end of this message.
Intended use is something like this...
{-# notInline libXYZRef #-}
libXYZRef :: LibRef
libXYZRef = unsafePerformIO newLibRef
main :: IO ()
main = finally (initLibXYZ >> userMain) (killLibRef libXYZRef shutDownLibXYZ)
-- initLibXYZ and shutDownLibXYZ are Haskell bindings to functions supplied
-- by libXYZ
userMain :: IO ()
-- userMain creates ForeignPtrs to library objects using addLibRef
I'm testing by creating 1 ForeignPtr reference using addLibRef and
dropping it immediately thereafter (so it's garbage, but not detected
as such immediately). Running with the -B rts option tells me when
garbage collection has occured.
The problem is I get a "fail: <<loop>>" error if no garbage collection
has occured when killLibRef is called (I.E. killLibRef saves shutDownLibXYZ
for later use because the reference count is non-zero).
But everything works fine if I wait for garbage collection to occur before
calling killLibRef.
Does anybody have any idea what might be going wrong here?
Personally I'm a bit suspicious of the use of the cToH and hToC functions
in addLibRef, but I'm not aware of any alternative if you want to mix in
some Haskell code with a finaliser.
Thanks for any advice. LibRef code follows below..
module LibRef
(LibRef -- data LibRef
,newLibRef -- IO LibRef
,addLibRef -- LibRef -> FinalizerPtr a -> Ptr a -> IO (ForeignPtr a)
,killLibRef -- LibRef -> IO () -> IO ()
) where
import Data.IORef
import Foreign.Ptr
import Foreign.ForeignPtr
import Control.Concurrent.MVar
foreign import ccall "dynamic" cToH :: FinalizerPtr a -> (Ptr a -> IO ())
foreign import ccall "wrapper" hToC :: (Ptr a -> IO ()) -> IO (FinalizerPtr a)
newtype LibRef = LibRef (MVar Int -- Reference count (and lock)
,IORef (IO ()) -- Shutdown action
-- Create a new LibRef
newLibRef :: IO LibRef
newLibRef = do
countRef <- newMVar 0 -- No references
killitRef <- newIORef $ return () -- No shutdown action initially
return $ LibRef (countRef,killitRef)
-- Similar to newForeignPtr. Creates a ForeignPtr reference to a library
-- object and increments the LibRef reference count. The actual finaliser
-- used runs the suppied finaliser (second arg) and then decrements the
-- LibRef reference count.
addLibRef :: LibRef -> FinalizerPtr a -> Ptr a -> IO (ForeignPtr a)
addLibRef libRef@(LibRef (countMVar,_)) finalise ptr = do
finalise' <- hToC $ \p -> do cToH finalise p
decLibRef libRef
count <- takeMVar countMVar -- Read (and lock)
putMVar countMVar $! (count+1) -- Increment (and unlock)
newForeignPtr finalise' ptr
-- Decrement a LibRef reference count. If the resulting reference
-- count is zero whatever action is stored in killitRef is executed
-- (and killitRef is reset to return ())
decLibRef :: LibRef -> IO ()
decLibRef (LibRef (countMVar,killitRef)) = do
putStrLn "<decLibRef>"
count <- takeMVar countMVar -- Read and lock
case count of
0 -> error "decLibRef applied to zero reference count"
1 -> do killit <- readIORef killitRef -- Get configured kill
writeIORef killitRef $ return () -- Reset killitRef
putMVar countMVar 0 -- Reset and unlock
killit -- Kill it
putStrLn "<No Refs>"
_ -> putMVar countMVar $! (count-1) -- Decrement and unlock
-- Call this when the library is no longer needed.
-- Second Arg is library shutdown action. This is performed immediately
-- if reference count == 0. Otherwise it is stored and executed by the
-- last finaliser (when reference count hits 0).
killLibRef :: LibRef -> IO () -> IO ()
killLibRef (LibRef (countMVar,killitRef)) killit = do
count <- takeMVar countMVar -- Read and lock
if count == 0 then do writeIORef killitRef $ return () -- Reset killitRef
putMVar countMVar count -- Unlock
killit -- Execute now
putStrLn "<Killed now>"
else do writeIORef killitRef killit -- Save for later
putMVar countMVar count -- Unlock
putStrLn "<Killed later>"
Adrian Hey
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