GHC 6.2 breaks multiline string literals
Joachim Durchholz
joachim.durchholz at
Sun Dec 28 12:54:54 EST 2003
John Meacham wrote:
> I have also wanted something like that on several occasions. ideally,
> I'd like something like python where.
> foo = """
> hello this is
> preformatted text.
> """
> will be the same as
> foo = "hello this is\npreformatted text.\n"
I wouldn't want something like that in a language.
It's very convenient, yes, but I'm uneasy at the prospect of an editor
cutting off trailing blanks. I shudder at the prospect of an editor
reinterpreting leading blanks as tabs or vice versa - the text will be
interpreted differently depending on whether it's displayed in an
editor, on a terminal, or in the dialog box of a GUI.
This all doesn't matter much when all that one wants is a simple Usage:
message in response to a --help option. But it would be hellishly
difficult to make sure that every programmer understands the
ramifications of using multiline string literals.
Personally, I'd prefer having autoconcatenated strings like this:
multilineLiteral = "\n"
making all the representation decisions explicit.
To edit that thing, I'd like a macro that took the autoconcatenated
string literal at the current cursor position, created a temporary
buffer with the parsed string, let the user edit it, and moved the
unparsed results of that edit back into the original source code.
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